Supporting you to help vulnerable people faster whilst raising vital revenue

Our expert services and innovative technology transform revenues and benefits processes for local authorities, helping to deliver a better citizen experience.

Available as a choice of service delivery options, we collect, maximise and distribute local authority revenue, applying our benefits processing expertise to reduce fraud and ensure eligible claimants receive timely payments, whilst generating vital revenue for councils to invest in local services.

Our revenues and benefits management software supports in-house teams to be more efficient, featuring online self-serve portals and the latest automation tools to speed up benefits processing so payments reach vulnerable people more quickly.

Key statistics


➥ of revenue collected from over 1.3 million UK households, reducing pressure on shrinking council budgets and maximising revenue collection to invest back into local services.


➥ paid in housing benefits using our software, reducing the financial strain on households

Revenues and benefits service overview



Watch the video to find out how we're supporting local authorities with revenues and benefits resilience

Our revenue and benefits services

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using laptop and calculator
mom with daughter
helping hand for an older person
employee using laptop



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